The new BSGE website has been launched and allows opportunities for members to chat, share and get more engaged. On the new discussion forum you can ask question, offer advice or just enjoy a virtual get-together.
Suruchi Pandey, clinical fellow at St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey, is the discussion forum representative, she told me
” The BSGE just wants to get people talking and engaged. We hope this can become a phone a friend forum, where if you’re stuck you can ask a question and get answers in minutes. It will be a community of gynaecological endoscopists, freely sharing and exchanging ideas.
As well as discussing successes it could also offer a platform to share where things went wrong and how we managed it. So that we can all learn from our collective successes and failures.”
The forum requires your log in to access and will not be open to the general public or the media. Suruchi thought that interesting debates could include whether a surgeon’s sex affects their preferred suturing style, is visual scoring the future in endometriosis? and how we can make gynaecological endoscopy attractive to trainees with the demands of training and job shortages.
If you’d like to discuss these thorny issues, or if you’ve got something else on your mind just click here log in and get talking today.