Updates from the Committee
The new portfolio of Website and Digital Governance was created following the Council restructuring earlier this year. It was formed in response to the increased demand for digital content and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.
The BSGE goes paperless
The current focus of the portfolio is developing an app in time for the ASM in May 2019. We are currently building the app together with the Society’s website hosting company. Following last year’s move to online registration, we are aiming for the ASM 2019 to be totally paperless. The app will be fully secure with excellent functionality. Delegates will be able to access the schedule, ask questions, vote and immediately see if there have been changes to rooms or timings. It’s an exciting project that should enable members to get even more out of the conference.
We continue to take website security very seriously. We have updated security for members, replaced the host company, and ensured that the software is regularly updated. Password data is encrypted to prevent access and protect members. There are frequent vulnerability checks and reviews by an external company, with specialist expertise in this field.
If you have any questions or suggestions for the portfolio, please get in touch.
Meet The Portfolio Members
Michael Adamczyk
BSGE Website & Digital Governance portfolio Chair
Mikey is a Consultant Gynaecologist and Endometriosis Surgeon at the Centre for Endometriosis and Minimally Invasive Gynaecology (CEMIG) at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (ASPH) in Surrey.
He specialises in Advanced Minimally Invasive Gynaecological Surgery, focusing on endometriosis. He obtained specialist training from the Kent, Surrey, and Sussex Deanery. Additionally, he completed a high-volume fellowship in advanced endometriosis surgery and a recognised training scheme in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery for the Excision of Benign Disease (Endometriosis).
Mikey received training in Neuropelveology and obtained Level 2 (2022) and Level 1 (2019) accreditation from the International Society of Neuropelveology (ISON), making him one of the very few surgeons with formal training in treating pelvic nerve problems.
He has received National and International prizes, including the prestigious Golden Telescope Award from the British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy in 2022. In 2019, he was elected as a council member responsible for the trainee portfolio for the BSGE and re-elected in 2021. Currently, in 2023, Mikey holds the position of senior council member.
Throughout the years, Mikey has made significant contributions to training in minimally invasive gynaecological surgery by establishing and teaching on multiple regional, national, and international courses.
His focused interests include surgical education, endometriosis, pelvic pain, and treatments for patients with pelvic nerve pathology.