30th april - 2nd may 2025, royal armouries | Leeds

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13th - 14th Feb 2025, The Grand Hotel | Birmingham

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The British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy exists to improve standards, promote training and encourage the exchange of information in minimal access surgery techniques for women with gynaecological problems.

Originally founded in 1989 by a small group of consultant gynaecologists, the society has since grown to the dynamic, active society it is today, with a membership of over a thousand consultants, trainees, specialist nurse practitioners, GPs and students.

BSGE exists not only to serve its members, but also to promote knowledge and understanding of the endoscopic approach to diagnosis and treatment to our patients, the public and those that form healthcare policy so that we can make a difference to women’s health and wellbeing.

President's Update

President's Update

President's Update

Mr Arvind Vashisht MA MD FRCOG- BSGE President

A warm hello to you all. A special welcome to our newest members, and a big thank you to our established members for making the BSGE the special society that it is.

What makes it special? Well we have been the pioneers of prioritising innovative safe and accessible patient care. In tandem we have seized the baton of training, setting standards, benchmarking and working with other professional bodies to deliver the best possible treatments for our patients. In doing so we have laid foundations for the next generation of doctors and nurses to perpetuate this vision.

We have been at the forefront in meaningfully incorporating multidisciplinary working, embraced innovation and technology, and developed ambulatory care techniques.

Because of this, we are beyond a single technology, professional body or specialty society, and have grown a broad appeal to all those interested in gynaecological care, including reproductive medicine, oncology, urogynaecology, as well as menstrual health. endometriosis and other benign gynaecological conditions. 

All of this is the most fantastic base, and I think that with our history coupled with the opportunities available here now in 2024, mean that we can take things to a new level, which is very exciting prospect. 

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Joining us will enable you to access information, education and training as well as sharing knowledge and experiences with over a thousand members who are all passionate about minimally invasive surgery in gynaecology.

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Standard<br> setting

The Society was involved, at the request of the RCOG, with setting general standards for hysteroscopic and laparoscopic procedures. Best Practice documents are being developed and are available for the benefit of Members and Patients alike.

Educational courses &
financial support

Educational courses &<br> financial support

We run and promote courses in minimally invasive techniques and share information about educational opportunities for members. Bursaries and travelling fellowships may be available to help fund further study after twelve months of membership.

Access to

Access to<br> information

Members get free electronic membership of the AAGL, with a listing in Physician Finder and access to the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynaecology (JMIG). You will have access to the online surgical video library and receive a discount on learning events and regional courses.

latest news

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BSGE President’s Seasonal Message

BSGE President’s Seasonal Message

BSGE President Arvind Vashisht has released a seasonal message to members. The message was emailed to all BSGE members and is included

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New BSGE Mission Statement

New BSGE Mission Statement

The BSGE has launched a mission statement on race and gender equality. Honorary Secretary Donna Ghosh announced the new statement to members

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RCOG report reveals devastating impact of UK gynaecology care crisis on women and NHS staff

RCOG report reveals devastating impact of UK gynaecology care crisis on women and NHS staff

New RCOG report reveals devastating impact of UK gynaecology care crisis on women and NHS staff Urgent help for women currently on

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Featured Events

We look forward to hosting a fantastic BSGE Annual Scientific Meeting, providing you all with a stimulating, interactive educational experience in an immersive virtual environment.

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Start Date: 13/02/2025

Location: The Grand Hotel Birmingham, 1 Church Street, Birmingham, B3 2FE

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ENDO DUBAI 10TH EDITION In collaboration with BSGE

Start Date: 20/02/2025

Location: Le Méridien Dubai Hotel & Conference Centre, near Dubai International Airport.

ENDO DUBAI 10TH EDITION In collaboration with BSGE
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The Scope Issue 26

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The Scope Issue 25

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The Scope Issue 24

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BSGE Video Library

The BSGE video library provides thought provoking lectures from annual scientific meetings, inspiring, educational videos of surgical procedures and techniques, plus complex, challenging and unusual case reports.

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We would like to thank the following companies for their continued support of the BSGE