Meet The Portfolio Members

Karolina Afors
GESEA Programme Chief Mentor
I have been an active member of the BSGE for the past 5 years and am also a Gynaecologist at the Whittington Hospital in London, which is a BSGE accredited Endometriosis Centre.
My initial involvement in the BSGE stems back to the Jubilee ASM Meeting. I served on the organising committee and was responsible for arranging a pre- congress workshop on operative complications, in addition, to introducing laparoscopic Hands on Training (HOT) workshops.
As one of the chief mentors for the Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment (GESEA) programme I have helped introduce GESEA certification to the UK, where together with the BSGE we have continued to run biannual certification sessions which continues to grow in popularity and receive positive feedback. I am also actively involved with ESGE where I serve as co chair for the Young Endoscopic Platform and associate editor of ESGE vision.
I understand the commitment required to be a BSGE Council Member and feel I possess the energy and enthusiasm to serve the membership. If successfully appointed, I would aim to strengthen the links between the BSGE and our European counterparts. I am passionate about training opportunities in minimal access surgery and would hope to use this platform to set up recognised visiting training fellowships in specialist centres throughout Europe.