

Updates from the Committee

BSGE statement on outpatient hysteroscopy

Outpatient hysteroscopy is a commonly performed investigation and offers an invaluable advantage of direct visualization of any abnormality within the uterine cavity. It’s a safe, simple, and quick technique which is well accepted by most of the patients.

There are also hysteroscopy services organised to enable progression to ‘see-and-treat’ in a single setting which allow treatment of endometrial pathology and spares patients major surgical intervention.

However, it is extremely important that women are offered, from the outset or during the procedure, the choice of having the hysteroscopy performed as a day case under general or regional anaesthetic.

In any case, we need to ensure that hysteroscopy is performed to the best practice, including detailed information of the procedure to the patient with discussion of the possible alternatives, administration of appropriate analgesia and reduce the discomfort to the minimum with mini hysteroscopes and using a ‘no-touch’ approach called vaginoscopy. 

You can download Outpatient Hysteroscopy – Patient Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire in pdf by clicking here.
EJOG paper- Benchmarking services in outpatient hysteroscopy (OPH):
A quality improvement project is available in pdf to download by clicking here.

View and Download Video on Vimeo.com – Click Here

Meet The Portfolio Members

Nadine Di Donato

Nadine Di Donato

Chair of Hysteroscopy Portfolio & Nurse Hysteroscopist Subcommittee member

As a Consultant Minimal access surgeon at the Southern Endometriosis center I have been tasked to develop a minimal access service and more recently expand this as a robotic service. This has been a challenge and one for which I am keen to offer my experience on the journey for anyone else who wishes to develop their services.

I have been a member of the BSGE since 2015 and I have had an active role in the society website and communications. I have enjoyed doing this and the service that has driven me to stand for the council to represent your views which I have been given during my time on the editorial board of the journal.

With support from the society, I have travelled abroad, visiting centres of excellence and gained experience from other colleagues. This is one of the most valuable opportunities offered by the society and I would aim to strengthen relationship with recognised training hospitals abroad. I am part of the faculty at the University in Bologna – Masters in minimally invasive surgery. This experience will enable me to help support others wanting to gain similar exposure. If elected I would endeavour to help strengthen the research profile and advanced training opportunities, especially for trainees, through collaboration and partnership with other centres abroad.

Ghadah Zafar Ahsan

Ghadah Zafar Ahsan

Hysteroscopy Subcommittee member

Consultant Gynaecologist

Lister Hospital, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Oudai Ali

Oudai Ali

Chair of Research & Innovations portfolio

I am an experienced minimal access gynaecologist specialist in Oncology and Colposcopy. I have been based in Cumbria, UK since 2014 and just recently moved to Surrey in London.  I specialise in providing evidence based care in gynaecology, colposcopy and oncology adopting cutting edge innovations in minimal access surgery.  I have completed certification in Obstetrics and gynaecology with training in colposcopy, oncology and advanced laparoscopy for endometriosis in 2012 in the Wessex deanery, UK.

I have an excellent record in developing services in ambulatory gynaecology, enhanced recovery and achieving exceedingly high standards in minimal access surgery. I am also a royal college tutor and I am passionate about teaching, training and simulation. I have been facilitating, participating in advanced courses nationally and internationally. I visited international centres of excellence to connect and share skills and I strongly believe in the value of surgical audit and standardisation of techniques and appraising innovations. In my role as a lead colposcopist I trained many of the staff who successfully completed their British certification and contributed greatly to service development and audits. I am leading the teaching and research on the Novel technique of Vnote. I aspire to contribute with the help of the BSGE and its members to produce the best evidence in current novel concepts and innovation in gynaecologic surgery and ambulatory gynaecology.


Caroline Bell

Caroline Bell

Chair of Nurse Hysteroscopists Portfolio

My name is Caroline Bell and I live in Cumbria. I am delighted to have the first Subcommittee dedicated to hysteroscopy.   I trained as an adult nurse qualifying in 2002. My job involves Hysteroscopy and I am nurse lead for our trust.  The other part of my job is Cancer nurse specialist which also involves being  part of the Expert advisory group for the north of England. I love my job and find it a real honour to be able to be part of a patient’s journey.

Outside of work, I love spending time with my family and friends.  I feel I am very fortunate to live in the Lake District and love outdoor activities.

I look forward to working as chair on the BSGE council, and supporting my hysteroscopy colleagues, with the subcommittee.

Amelia Davison

Amelia Davison

Hysteroscopy Subcommittee member

Consultant Gynaecologist

Homerton University Hospital

Shilpa Kolhe

Shilpa Kolhe

Consultant Gynaecologist and Hysteroscopy Subcommittee member

Consultant Gynaecologist

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton, East Midlands



Hysteroscopy Subcommittee member

Consultant Gynaecologist & Fertility Specialist

The Alexandra Hospital, Cheshire

Rowena Sharma

Rowena Sharma

Hysteroscopy Subcommittee member

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board