The RCOG has released a document on gynaecology waiting lists in the UK which is available in full at

BSGE President Justin Clark called out to BSGE members to read the report, saying:

We need to ensure that we all advocate for the women we look after; individually, locally and nationally. We at the BSGE will work closely to support the RCOG and the NHS to try and improve the current situation.
‘The report shines a light on those who are struggling to access the right care and support for gynaecological conditions, and highlights that waiting lists across the UK have grown 60% since the start of the pandemic. Waiting lists in England have grown the most in percentage terms of all elective specialties, and our report explores the way in which the specialty, and women’s health more widely, are often overlooked.
‘In order to fully meet the needs of women on waiting lists, and ensure effective and equitable recovery of services, we are calling for the following from the NHS and Governments across the UK: 

  • Prioritisation of care as part of NHS recovery looking beyond clinical need to consider the wider impacts of waiting for care (e.g. quality of life, fertility)
  • A shift in the way gynaecology is prioritised as a specialty, included action to move away from the term ‘benign’
  • Action to address the unequal growth of gynaecology waiting lists compared to other specialties
  • Action to reduce geographic disparities and postcode lotteries for gynaecology care
  • A fully-funded, long term plan for the NHS workforce

‘RCOG has been working closely with the BBC who we have shared the story with, as an exclusive, with coverage this morning on both BBC Radio 3 and BBC Radio 5 Live. We are expecting further coverage on the BBC and more widely across media outlets throughout today and this week.’