Justin Clark, Donna Ghosh and the local organising committee for ASM 2022 have called for abstracts for ASM 2022. They invitedĀ entries for oral, video, and e-poster presentations saying:

‘This yearā€™s theme is ā€œStanding Tall after the Fallā€, always learning, improving safety and enhancing outcomes.

‘The contributions can comprise of original scientific work, surgical techniques, audit, service developments, and innovations of any sort. There will also be the opportunity to scoop awards including ā€œTHE KARL STORZ Golden Telescopeā€.Ā  The winner of the ā€˜Best Videoā€™ presentation will earn this prestigious prize and join a talented few in history. In addition, they will receive a KARL STORZ-supported BSGE bursary to attend a KARL STORZ supported course, within Europe.’

5pm on Wednesday,Ā 2nd MarchĀ is the final deadlineĀ for abstract submission. ThisĀ deadline for abstracts alsoĀ includes Pecha Kucha and RIGS Trainee VideoĀ Abstract Submission. Notification of abstract acceptance rejection will beĀ during the weekĀ commencing 14th March 2022.Ā 

You can submit your abstract viaĀ https://www.bsge.org.uk/asm22/call-for-abstracts/

To submit an abstract for Pecha Kucha, pleaseĀ visitĀ https://www.bsge.org.uk/asm22/pecha-kucha-2022/Ā 

To submit an abstract for RIGS Trainee Video, please visitĀ https://www.bsge.org.uk/asm22/rigs-trainee-video/