RIGS and the BSGE have opened submissions for the very popular Pecha Kucha session at Virtual ASM 2021.

Pecha Kucha is the Japanese term for ‘chit-chat’ and is a simple, short and snappy presentation format in which speakers present 20 slides, which advance automatically every 20 seconds.  This ensures a past-paced, concise and exciting presentation. Announcing the application launch, Mikey Adamczyk and Angharad Jones,  BSGE Trainee Representatives said:

‘With the virtual BSGE ASM 2021 around the corner, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you that our RIGS session “The Apprentice” powered by Pecha Kucha is now open for submission.
‘It is an excellent opportunity to showcase your ideas on a national scale. This year, the BSGE are inviting abstracts from trainees, non-consultant grades and medical students. 
‘We are looking for engaging, novel and thought-provoking arguments and ideas. So put together an abstract encompassing this theme. The best four of these will be selected for the Pecha Kucha presentation session at the Virtual BSGE ASM on 3rd March 2021.

The best presentation and presenter will be awarded the ‘Pecha Kucha’ Prize and free registration to the next BSGE ASM. Deadline for abstract submission is 5pm on 8th January 2021.

To submit your abstract and for further information, please visit:
