The BSGE has announced the 2021 Council Elections for Officers and Council Representatives. BSGE President Justin Clark announced the election to members saying:
‘Our society is governed by the Council of the BSGE, according to our constitution (available on the website). Each member of Council is responsible for a particular portfolio, and these too are visible on our website.’
Nominations are now open for six vacancies on Council. There are two positions for Officers including BSGE Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. There are also three senior representatives and one trainee rep. Nomination forms for each vacancy can be downloaded from the BSGE website.
Justin encouraged members to consider standing:
‘Being a member of Council does involve a time commitment, but making a contribution to enhancing standards of practice, improving training and shaping the future of gynaecological endoscopy can be highly rewarding. I urge anyone interested in becoming more involved with the BSGE to stand for election. If you are not sure, please speak to someone who is already on Council, or contact one of the Officers.’
Anyone interested should read the relevant job description on the website and follow the instructions carefully. Nomination forms for each vacancy can also be downloaded from the BSGE website.
The closing date for nomination is midday, 11th January 2021. Voting will be open from 18th January 2021 to 15th February 2021.
BSGE Elections are restricted to UK members only. The full list of nominations will be available in the next issue of The Scope, which will be released in February. Results will be announced during the Virtual ASM on the 3rd March 2021.