Professor Justin Clark has succeed Sanjay Vyas as BSGE President. Justin and Sanjay worked in partnership over the past two years. As Justin virtually accepted the chain of office, over Skype, he thanked Sanjay for his enormous contribution to the society:

‘I would like to thank Sanjay for his fantastic leadership of our ever growing and influential society. His experience, industry and infectious enthusiasm have made his tenure a successful one. He has always been accessible, approachable and collegiate in his outlook and my fellow Officers and Council Members have benefitted from these attributes and learnt a great deal from him. As has been the case with our previous Presidents, he has left the society in an even better place than when he took over. He will be a hard act for me to follow. I would like to thank him on behalf of all our members.’

Usually the incoming President addresses BSGE members at the ASM. However, the COVID-19 pandemic, NHS commitments and the cancellation of ASM 2020 have meant that the BSGE has had to adapt policies and processes. Justin communicated with all society members via email. His address is available in full for download by clicking here: President’s address 2020. It will also be included in the next issue of the Scope. He concluded with a personal message to members:

This current situation will gradually come to an end. I have to say that whilst not being an avid monarchist, I was struck by the resonance of the Queen’s coronavirus speech of the 5th April:


“I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge. And those who come after us will say the Britons of this generation were as strong as any. That the attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-humoured resolve and of fellow-feeling still characterise this country. The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it defines our present and our future.”


I know our membership will be stepping up.


In the meantime, on behalf of the officers, members of Council, Atia and Lesley, I send you my very best wishes as you exercise your own leadership, employ your skills for your patients, support your trainees, maintain your resilience and protect your families. I look forward to meeting up in happier times.’