It’s BSGE election time again! Launching the 2023 elections BSGE President Andrew Kent said:
‘The planning for our ASM in Manchester is moving on a pace thanks to Sujata and her team.
The Society Annual General Meeting is scheduled for the Thursday evening, which is when I will announce the new or returning members of BSGE Council.’
This year there are three senior positions available for election, along with two positions for specialist nurse representatives -Nurse Hysteroscopist and Endometriosis CNS and one post for a trainee representative.
Current holders are eligible to reapply, apart from the trainee representative position. Andrew encouraged members to apply and use their votes wisely:
‘Please consider putting yourselves forward. Alternatively please vote when the time comes.It is your Society so please help influence its future.’
Nomination forms are available to download on the BSGE website. Please return completed forms by email to arriving by midday Monday, 6th February 2023.
With your nomination form, please submit a digital photograph and a short statement (maximum of 250 words) about why you are a suitable candidate and what your plans are for the post. These will be displayed on the website and sent by email to all BSGE members.
The important dates to remember:
- Online elections start on Monday, 13th FebruaryÂ
- Election closes on Monday, 13th MarchÂ
- Results to be announced at the BSGE AGM 2023 on 20th April.Â