Applications for the BSGE/Olympus ST5+ Laparoscopic surgery training programme for 2018 are now open. This announcement means there are now two ST5+ programmes on offer for next year, with each programme taking 24 candidates.
This is a comprehensive training programme in laparoscopic surgery. It has been designed for gynaecologists that are in their last years of training and who wish to extend their laparoscopic surgery experience. Presented by a distinguished faculty, this immersion training will be delivered in London in a concentrated four day programme, followed by two days’ laparoscopic cadaveric training in Newcastle and continued by delegates visiting the trainers’ hospital for peer to peer training on selected laparoscopic cases. A final presentation day will be held at the Olympus Head Office in Southend on Sea. The programme philosophy is to provide intensive hands-on training, to ensure this, during all Wet Labs and Clinical Sessions there will be a maximum of two delegates to one faculty member. Launching the course, BSGE President Dominic Byrne said
‘We are delighted that Olympus have chosen to run this highly valued programme again this year’
Applications can be accepted for one ST5+ course only
At the launch, it was confirmed that members may only apply for one of the two ST5+ programmes on offer for 2018. It’s important to submit an application for either the BSGE/Ethicon ST5+ programme or the BSGE/Olympus ST5+ programme but not both. Anyone who applies for both programmes will be asked to choose one or other, or risk disqualification.
The programme will be awarded by competitive selection. Delegates should be BSGE members, ST5 and above and show evidence of commitment to minimal access surgery and provide a supporting statement from an educational supervisor. Delegates will be selected by a committee of BSGE Council members.
The BSGE would like to make this programme available to as many trainees as possible. Therefore, it was announced that anyone who has attended an Ethicon/BSGE or Olympus/BSGE ST5+ programme in the past is not eligible to apply for this programme.
Details are available here and any questions regarding the BSGE/ Olympus ST5+ training programme can be obtained by contacting Olympus directly at
Closing date for registration for both programmes is 5 pm on Friday, 12 January 2018.