Angahard Jones Mikey Adamczyk
BSGE Trainee representative BSGE Trainee representative
The RIGS group is one of the most active and involved parts of the BSGE.
The trainee representatives work with subcommittee members from across the country.
Wojciech Szubert
Mageed Abdelrahman
Georgios Grigoriadis
Yadava Jeve
Tereza Indrielle-Kelly
Ilyas Arshad
Kamran Safdar Rao
Mark Pickering
Jessica Preshaw
Ras Bharathan
We will soon be electing a new BSGE trainee representative, James McClaren has moved to Australia for a consultant post. I’d like to thank him for all his hard work and wish him luck down under. We will also be appointing regional reps in London, Mersey, South West, Wessex due to others stepping down. These will be advertised by November and appointed prior to the ASM in May 2019. Please put your name down if you’re interested.
ASM 2018 was a success for the Society and for RIGS. The Pecha Kucha session was well attended with good feedback. Two medical students won the Pecha Kucha prize, we will encourage medical students to participate in future RIGS features of the ASM programme. The Pecha Kucha is due to run at the ASM 2019 with the topic (Dragons’ Den) tied into the ASM theme.
The first RIGS break out session at the ASM was popular and well attended. This session will feature in the ASM 2019, with a best video prize being sought from industry. We will promote all RIGS competitions to increase awareness well in advance of May 2019, so keep an eye on the website and in The Scope.
The second RIGS dinner was held in Edinburgh, thanks to Karl Storz for £4000 sponsorship. The Rafters restaurant at the 2010 clubhouse at Celtic Manor has been booked for May 2019 and Storz have generously continued their support We hope that a heavily subsidised ticket price of £20 will encourage members to attend what is always an interesting and entertaining evening. Watch out for details of speakers on the website, they’re currently being confirmed.
RIGS / BSGE Intermediate Laparoscopy Course
20 delegates attended the course chaired by Donna Ghosh at Worcester Royal Hospital on October 18th-19th. The course was again well received with positive feedback. There is a plan to run the RIGS intermediate skills course programme condensed into one day as a pre-congress workshop at the ASM. This would continue the momentum of running the course and encourage juniors to attend the ASM.
Laparoscopic Training Mapping
Jessica Preshaw (South West RIGS rep) has worked hard to produce an interactive map of each hospital in the UK detailing regional and local laparoscopic training opportunities including simulation equipment, laparoscopic trainers and courses, along with useful contacts within the region. This aims to support trainees make decisions regarding placement rotations / aid decision making when applying for posts and encourage trainees to access laparoscopic training opportunities. Hopefully this will also help drive improvements in facility provision.
RIGS handbook
A RIGS handbook is now available. There is now written feedback from trainees at Whipps Cross Hospital who have used the RIGS handbook as a resource to develop a training programme. They are preparing a report for the Scope to publicise and promote use of the RIGs handbook as a training resource.
RCOG Training Data Analysis Report
A report has been submitted to RCOG assessing perception of gynaecological training amongst UK trainees according to region and training grade. Information was derived from TEF responses. The report concluded only half of all ST3-5 and just over half of ST6-7 trainees perceived they had adequate opportunity to fulfil their training requirements in gynaecology. There is poor access to box trainers or virtual reality simulators across most regions and all levels of training, with low provision of formal simulation training.
Careers Fair at RCOG 9thFebruary 2019
BSGE will have a stand at the RCOG medical students’ day at the college. RIGS have confirmed attendance.