Dear Colleagues
We have just returned from a very successful 24th Annual Congress of the ESGE. The meeting had the record number of delegates and was attended by more than 2300 people in the beautiful city of Budapest.
I was fortunate enough to be the Congress President and to work with the Congress Scientific Chairman Professor Hand Brolmann,and the ESGE President Professor Peter O’Donovan.
I was proud to see that the highest number delegates was from the United Kingdom with 204 delegates from the UK, followed by 151 delegates from The Netherlands. The scientific contribution was again the strongest from the United Kingdom with 102 of the 529 abstracts being from the UK, followed by 48 from Italy and 36 each from The Netherlands and Spain. The high quality of presentations was apparent, one of the UK Trainees Dr Zhahid Khan was the runner up for the Best Oral Presentation Award but was unfortunately beaten by a very senior clinician from Italy.
The ESGE President Professor Peter O’Donovan singled out the contribution from the British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy in his Presidential Dinner address and thanked us for our contribution.
We will make the highlights of the meeting available to our members over the coming months via the website and our newsletter ‘The Scope’.
I would like to take this opportunity thank the BSGE members who contributed to the Congress by submitting abstracts, presenting their work, speaking in plenary sessions, chairing sessions and attending the meeting. The work is now already underway for our 26th Annual Scientific Meeting in Cornwall on 17-18 May 2016 and we look forward to seeing you many of you there again.
With my best wishes
Ertan Saridogan
President, BSGE