Updates from the Committee
I took over as chair of the membership relations subcommittee and as Editor of the scope (The BSGE Newsletter) in 2018 which incorporates the Webcomms portfolio responsible for the newsletter and for membership interactions with social media
Members of the webcomms subcommittee include sub-editor of the newsletter, Jane Gilbert, Atia Khan, Rebecca Mallick, Nadine di Donato, Tereza Indrielle and Mehnoosh Aref-Adib
The SCOPE is now on its 16th Edition and puts together information for the members on what is happening at the BSGE and the world of minimal invasive gynaecology it brings together interesting upto date stories of what is happening in Research, and a summary of interesting articles in current minimal access literature. It also allows members to read updates from the president and other officers of the BSGE. It was particularly useful during the pandemic and allowed the BSGE to involve and inform members of what the BSGE was doing and continues to do in collaboration with the RCOG to ensure women have safe minimal access procedures when required. The Scope was also a useful tool for the ASM 2021 the first virtual get together and scientific meeting of the BSGE.
We would like to hear from BSGEÂ members who attend other international or local relevant meetings. Please share your experiences with other Society members through the Scope.
The next issue will be released in a few months, highlighting the ASM events and what to look forward to in the next ASM of 2022. We are always looking for interesting stories, reviews, videos and pictures from members. Please get in touch if you have anything that will inform, interest or entertain members.
Membership Relations
One of the tasks of the Membership Relation Chair is to organise and put together a survey of members. From the last survey in 2018/19 membership wanted the survey to be carried out every other year rather than yearly and we are hoping to publish the results later this year in the SCOPE
Meet The Portfolio Members
Nadine Di Donato
Chair of BSGE Hysteroscopy Portfolio
As a Consultant Minimal access surgeon at the Southern Endometriosis center I have been tasked to develop a minimal access service and more recently expand this as a robotic service. This has been a challenge and one for which I am keen to offer my experience on the journey for anyone else who wishes to develop their services.
I have been a member of the BSGE since 2015 and I have had an active role in the society website and communications. I have enjoyed doing this and the service that has driven me to stand for the council to represent your views which I have been given during my time on the editorial board of the journal.
With support from the society, I have travelled abroad, visiting centres of excellence and gained experience from other colleagues. This is one of the most valuable opportunities offered by the society and I would aim to strengthen relationship with recognised training hospitals abroad. I am part of the faculty at the University in Bologna – Masters in minimally invasive surgery. This experience will enable me to help support others wanting to gain similar exposure. If elected I would endeavour to help strengthen the research profile and advanced training opportunities, especially for trainees, through collaboration and partnership with other centres abroad.
Rebecca Mallick
Vice President
It has been a pleasure to serve on BSGE council for the past 2 and a half years and I have thoroughly enjoyed taking on the role of chair of the Information Resources Committee. With the help of the subcommittee we have strived to bring to you a diverse range of education activities including our popular webinar series. All our previous webinars can be found here on the BSGE website and every month we will bring you an exciting new episode (usually on the last Wednesday of the month between 6-7pm).
I have really strived to also ensure our patients are at the centre of what we do at the BSGE and over the past 2 years we have really developed our patient facing activities. We have run a number of informative patient webinars on adenomyosis and endometriosis and the feedback has been excellent. Our BSGE Instagram page (@THEBSGE) is a great resource for patients and I do encourage you to share it in your clinics and beyond. It shares up to date evidence based information with patients and signposts them to helpful resources and much more.
As ever we continue to look to the future to improve and develop and if you have any thoughts on webinar topics or any suggestions at all please do get in touch.