The BSGE has announced an important date change for the Birmingham-Worcester ASM 2022. The new dates are Thursday April 21stto Friday 22nd April 2022.

The NEW dates for the 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) are Thursday April 21st to Friday 22nd April with pre-congress workshops taking place on Wednesday 20th April. ASM. Co-chairs Justin Clark and Donna Ghosh said:

‘As you are all aware, our ASM is normally in the Spring but because of date changes enforced by the pandemic we were obliged (due to finances already committed) to take the Monday February 28th– Tuesday 1st March dates that the Birmingham International Convention Centre (ICC) proposed (we had asked for Spring dates but they these were not offered as the booking with them had to be within the same financial year).’

At a meeting on 7th January with the ICC, we expressed our concerns over the ability of our members, mostly working in the NHS, to attend the ASM in light of the current Omicron variant situation affecting the staffing and provision of health services. The ICC came back to us on 10th January to offer the previously unavailable new April dates.’

The BSGE Council and ASM 2022 Local Organising Committee feel these spring dates on a Thursday and Friday are preferable and more in keeping with the timing of the BSGE’s usual ASMs. Justin and Donna added:

‘The weather in Birmingham will be superb by then so you can enjoy even more the canals, bars and restaurants and most importantly, we should be over the worst of Omicron staffing situation so obtaining study leave etc. should be less problematic.We are keen for as many of our members as possible to have the opportunity to attend the Birmingham-Worcester ASM and this is our main objective’

To date almost 200 members have already registered and some will have made hotel bookings and travel arrangements. The LOC apologised for the inconvenience caused but emphasised that they  hope that delegates will understand the reason for this late change and can support it.
If you have already registered and paid for the BSGE ASM 2022 or any of the workshops and cannot attend on new dates, please email for full refund of your registration fee. 

Also in light of new ASM dates, the abstracts deadline will be extended  to 5pm on 2nd March.

The Society hopes to reflect the new dates for the ASM on BSGE website within 24 hours.